Who can design a simple webpage-blog for me? - motorcycle templates for cakes
I am delighted to take on board on a motorcycle, a trip Che Guevara. I had no time like to develop by WordPress, and so I tried not my thing. Even with the models.
I have a logo which is dark blue X-rays. I have a page with three columns. Left column images in sequence with the title and some links.
The main part is the dynamic part with the car blog things as normal indexing.
Right column have Google AdSense ads, or whatever his name is.
This is a very simple example of the person in-the-know. Please think of the simplicity and elegance, in contrast to the overcrowded and bells and whistles.
The interesting side of this genre is www.edsgonesouth.com DSIR'm with the way it is structured side ed happy, I can notJust go and copy everything.
I make a symbolic contribution to their efforts.
Thank you!
Motorcycle Templates For Cakes Who Can Design A Simple Webpage-blog For Me?
10:38 PM
Questions of who hosts your website that can provide free
I pay $ 1 per month for housing
and offer free blogs, message banks and other good things as a service and without any programming knowledge ..
Check to see if you can offer.
CS ---
WordPress is the easiest tool I found blogs. with its own theme, it is all script code. This is the cheapest solution. It is easy, an entire site by site, in addition to the blog "Creating pages. Have you tried posting on craigslist, what is a symbolic contribution?
I think u can try one at a place called bikerkiss. There are many motorcycle enthusiasts out there. SB Manber help u.
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